Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Social Dilemma

 The Social Dilemma


30 September 2020

It’s easy today to lose sight of the fact that these tools (social media) actually have created some wonderful things in the world. That they’ve reunited lost family members. They’ve found organ donors. I mean, there were meaningful, systemic changes happening that were positive! But we were naive about the flip side of the coin.

“Snapchat Dysmorphia” a disease which now happening with young patients in America wanting surgery so they can look more likely they do in filtered selfies.

But what’s wrong in the tech industry right now?

When you look around you, it feels like the world is going crazy. Never before in history have 50 designers with 20-35 year old white guys in California made decisions that would have an impact on two billion people.

What I want people to know is that everything they’re doing online, is being watched, is being tracked, is being measured. Every single action you take is carefully monitored and recorded. Exactly what image you stop and look at, for how long you look at it. And yes, seriously, for how long you look at it. 

They have more information about us. It is unprecedented than has ever been imagined in human history.

On the other side of the screen, it’s almost as if they had this avatar voodoo doll-like model of us. All of the things we’ve ever done, all the clicks we’ve ever made, all the videos we’ve watched, all the likes, that all gets brought back into building a more and more accurate model. The model, once they have it, they can predict the kinds of things that person does. They can predict what kind of videos will keep you watching. They can predict what kinds of emotions tend to trigger you.

At a lot of technology companies, there’s three main goals.

  1. Engagement goals, to drive up your usage, to keep you scrolling.
  2. Growth goals, to keep you coming back and inviting as many friends and getting them to invite more friends.
  3. Advertising goals, to make sure that, as all that’s happening they’re making as much money as possible from advertising.

Persuasive technology is just sort of design intentionally applied to the extreme where we really want to modify someone’s behaviour. We want them to take this action. We want them to keep doing this with their finger (scrolling). We’re just zombies, and they want us to look at more ads so they can make more money. 

You pull down and you refresh, it’s gonna be a new thing at the top. Pull down and refresh again, it’s new. Every single time. Which, in psychology, we call a positive intermittent reinforcement. Every time you see your phone there on the table, and you just look at it, and you know if you reach over, it just might have something for you, so you took and open it. That’s not by accident, that’s a design technique. 

“Let Ben know that Rebecca is typing so we don’t lose him”

That’s how they make us can’t stop get engaged with the phone. 

Social media is a drug. The number of teenage girls out of 100,000 in USA admitted to a hospital every year because they cut themselves or otherwise harmed themselves. Gen Z, the kids born after 1996 or so, those are the first generation in history that get on social media in middle school. A whole generation is more anxious, more fragile, more depressed. This is the real change in a generation.

Even knowing how these tricks work, I’m still susceptible to social media. I sill wasn’t able to control my usage. So that’s a little scary. 

When you go to Google and type in “Climate Change is” you’re going to see different results depending on where you live. In certain cities, you’re gonna see it autocomplete with “climate change is hoax.” And in the other cases, you’re gonna see “climate change is causing the destruction of nature.” And that’s a function not of what the truth is about climate change. They’re ruining the fabric of democracy, people can’t tell what’s true. All of the searching result is based on these computer calculating what’s perfect for each of us. And then if you start watching one of those videos, then it will recommend it over and over again. 

There’s a study, an MIT study, that fake news on Twitter spreads six times faster than true news. They’ve created a system that biases towards false informations. Not because they want to, but because false information makes the companies more money than the truth. The truth is boring. 

Marco Rubio once said, “We are a nation of people that no longer speak to each other. We are a nation of people who have stopped being friends with people because of who they voted for in the last election. We are a nation of people who have isolated ourselves to only watch channels that tells us that we’re right. 

It’s easy to say then in our mind, to think.

“Okay , so, there I am with my phone, scrolling, clicking, using it. Then, where’s the existential threat?”

Okay, there’s the supercomputers. The other side of the screen, pointed at our brain got us to watch more videos. It’s not about the technology being the existential threat. But it’s the technology’s ability to bring the worst in society and the worst society being the existential threat.  

Do you see it in the same way as mine?

Or am I overreacting to a situation that I don’t know enough about?

When we are using the like button, our entire motivation was, “can we spread positivity and love in the world?” But the reality was today teen would be getting depressed when they don’t have enough likes. 

I think we need to accept that it’s okay for companies to be focus on making money. But what’s not okay is when there’s no regulation, no rules. Because not everybody recognises that this is a problem.

It might sound strange, but this is my world, this is my community. I don’t hate them. I don’t wanna do any harm to Google of Facebook. I just want to reform them so they don’t destroy the world. You know? I’ve uninstalled a ton of apps from my phone that I felt were just wasting my time. Only the necessary ones since my university still use the platform to share announcements. And I’ve turned off notifications on anything that vibrating my leg with information that wasn’t timely and important to me at the moment. 

Do not use search engine that restore your search history.

Never accept a video recommend to you on Youtube.

Always choose. That’s another way to fight. 

There’s a tons of Chrome extensions that remove recommendations.

Before you share, fact-check first, consider the source. If it seems like it’s something designed to really push your emotional buttons, remove it. Essentially, you vote with your clicks.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Good to be back here

Hi everyone, since satu dunia sekarang tengah struggle with the covid-19 ‘war’, jadi aku harap y’guys semuanya dalam keadaan yang sihat. Aamiin. Menulis is kinda my thing now. Macam healer. And aku pun struggle dengan my ‘war’ jugak, fighting my own perceptions. And whenever aku rasa nak menulis, blog is the one which will pop first. 

Sebelum buka blog tadi banyak gila yang aku nak tulis, tiba-tiba bila dah jari sentuh keypad, hilang segala benda dalam kepala. Stucked hahahaha. 

Actually, lately aku selalu rasa aku nak hilang dari mata semua orang. Aku rasa aku banyak sangat kecewakan orang lain. Walaupun aku tak buat apa-apa, otak aku akan cakap aku tak bagi manfaat pun kat orang lain so better aku jangan muncul. 

Aku dah tak boleh describe character aku sendiri. Aku dah tak nampak value dalam diri yang aku ada. Aku rasa aku banyak drain energy aku dengan character aku sekarang (which aku sendiri tak faham what and why)

Now I’m 23. Aku tahu semua orang masih dalam proses. Setiap proses dalam hidup orang berbeza-beza. Kadang rasa hidup aku agak terkebelakang compared to others. Tapi aku tahu aku dah ada dalam proses. And proses tu akan berakhir nanti. Aku sendiri yang perlu control keberhasilan proses tu. Samada aku nak product aku bagus, atau tak. 

Anyway anyhow stay strong everyone. Aku tengah nak cuba cari value aku balik and up until then aku nak cherish every moment dalam hidup. Aku nak appreciate everyone yang ada disekeliling aku. And aku nak identify benda yang paling aku nak and put my focus on that. 

Salam sayang from me, Atikah. 

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Monday, April 20, 2020


Assalamualaikum and hi everyone. After a while, saya kembali bawak entry baru. Sebenarnya saya lupa password blog ni sebab itu la menyepi lama haha. 

Entry kali ni dan beberapa entry-entry yang akan datang saya akan share pasal intipati video, movie, filem yang saya dah tengok sepanjang saya kuarantin. Dan lepas habis semua intipati tu, insyaAllah saya akan share pulak pengalaman saya kuarantin selama 14 hari di Seri Pacific Hotel Kuala Lumpur. Hope to see you soon in the next entry! 

Okay, before kita start dengan intipati video "Le Goufre", 
Ada siapa dah tengok short video ni? Saya ada sediakan link dekat bawah bagi siapa yang berminat nak tonton nanti. Video ni dapat Award CGI 3D Animated Short Filem tahun 2017. Video pendek tapi sarat dengan makna yang mendalam. Jadi suka untuk saya share apa yang saya dapat dari video in dalam konteks pemahaman agama Islam. 

Kehidupan adalah perjuangan yang meletakkan matlamatnya untuk mencari solusi yang terbaik agar kehidupan lebih sejahtera dan selamat. Kita diumpamakan boleh memilih untuk memahirkan diri dalam bidang yang diminati. Dan dengar kemahiran yang dimilki, kita mampu membuat perubahan. Dalam video pendek ini ditunjukkan bahawa dua pemuda yang tekad memperjuangkan perubahan dengan menggunakan kemahiran yang dimilki, mereka seterusnya boleh membina kemajuan hidup untuk diri sendiri, keluarga selain menumpahkan bakti kepada masyarakat.

Secara adatnya, istilah ‘perjuangan’ selalunya dikaitkan dengan konteks majmuk. Gagasan, asas falsafah atau ideologi yang diperjuangkan adalah milik orang ramai. Mestilah didokong oleh sekelompok atau sekumpulan ahli, pengikut atau penyokong. Apa yang penting semua pihak perlu memahami dan menghayati matlamat sebenar yang diperjuangkan. Jika tidak segala usaha akan menjadi sia-sia, selain dibimbangi boleh meninggalkan kesan buruk terhadap diri dan masyarakat.

Falsafah perjuangan bukan sekadar bersifat ikut-ikutan. Perlu untuk kita melihat tujuan sebenar penubuhan sesebuah badan itu. Apakah berpijak pada perjuangan untuk menegakkan kedaulatan bangsa dan tanah air, demi kesejahteraan rakyat, atau sekadar bersifat serpihan atau batu loncatan sebelum mencapai agenda yang tersirat sahaja. Saya bawakan kembali makna dari video pendek yang memberikan gambaran masyarakat ramai yang menyokong dan mendokong perjuangan dua pemuda itu dengan berada bersama melihat perkembangan perjuangan yang dibawa. 

Hidup berpandukan prinsip dan pegangan yang tepat serta jelas, dapat membawa masyarakat bersama menuju perubahan. Dua pemuda itu sentiasa mencari jalan dan penyelesaian supaya matlamat yang mereka letakkan tercapai. Walaupun diuji dengan kekurangan tenaga dan cuaca yang membadai, mereka terus berpegang teguh dengan prinsip. Dan akhirnya, seperti yang Allah janjikan buat orang yang sentiasa berada di jalan kesungguhan, kejayaan lah buat mereka.

Malah, Rasulullah SAW menggesa umatnya untuk sentiasa hidup dengan berprinsip. Sabda baginda: “Janganlah kamu ‘imma’ah’, iaitu kamu berkata: jika orang baik, kami pun ikut menjadi baik. Dan jika mereka zalim, kami pun ikut menjadi zalim.” - Riwayat at-Tarmizi. Ertinya, kehidupan ini perlulah berlandaskan arah tuju yang jelas dan tahu tentang matlamat yang ingin dicapai.

Babak terakhir dari video pendek ini memberi satu mesej yang besar tatkala jambatan yang dicipta dari penat lelah dua pemuda itu dihancurkan sekelip mata. Hanya seorang dari mereka yang berjaya tiba ke destinasi, manakala seorang lagi terkorban. Babak ini membawa konteks perjuangan sentiasa memerlukan pengorbanan. Cahaya api yang dilontarkan ke udara menjadi simbolik kejayaan tetap dinyalakan untuk menyatakan kepada masyarakat bahawa mereka telah tiba ke destinasi walaupun salah seorang dari pemuda itu telah terkorban. Apabila kita melibatkan diri ke lapangan perjuangan, kita akan sentiasa berhadapan dengan perkara yang memerlukan pengorbanan. Dari sudut fikrah harakiyyah, pengorbanan juga disebut “tadhiyyah”. Penggunaan istilah ini telah dimasyhurkan oleh asy-Syahid Hasan al-Banna. Beliau telah meletakkan tadhiyyah sebagai rukun kelima dalam membina 10 rukun baiah bagi pembentukan keperibadian anggota jemaah.

Kesimpulannya, jadikanlah perjuangan ini dalam gerak kerja amal jamaie keutamaan yang didahulukan. Pastikan setiap detik masa yang dianugerah oleh Allah SWT tidak berlalu dengan sia-sia dan sentiasa dalam ruang lingkup bersama-sama jemaah. Yakinlah bahawa pengorbanan yang dilakukan untuk perjuangan Islam merupakan suatu perniagaan atau pelaburan yang sangat menguntungkan. Yakinlah juga bahawa segala kepayahan dan perit getir mengharungi liku-liku perjuangan Islam akan mendapat pertolongan dari Allah SWT yang telah dijanjikanNya. Siapakah yang pasti dan lebih baik menunaikan janjiNya selain dari Allah?


Thank you for coming, feel free to drop your comment below. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

3 am random thought

Hello everyone. 
How are you now? Getting better than before?
As for me, not so much changed.

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Friday, March 27, 2020

The answer is within yourself

Hi everyone, it has been quite a long time since I posted my last entry here. Harap semuanya dalam keadaan yang baik lah ye. 

Minggu lepas, a friend of mine, perlukan someone to share about her problem. Hmm macam biasa, saya bukan orang yang pandai nak comforting others sebab I'm not a good listener, but I'm trying the best, because she's my friend. 

My first question to her, 

"What are the things that make you sad?"

During the heart-to-heart session, saya sedar saya macam tak membantu, so saya keep on listening apa yang dia nak share sampai dia puas. And you know what, lepas dia puas, dia pulak tanya, "Ada anything nak share? Aku dah rasa much better sekarang, so its your turn."

Padahal sebenarnya dia yang nak cerita, tapi sekarang saya pulak kena cerita hahaha. And when someone give me an opportunity untuk share, rupanya banyak benda yang tak terluah selama ni ops. Lagi banyak dari kawan saya pulak tu ya Allah hahaha. 

Lepastu dia pun cakap camni,
(We're on Whatsapp message during at that time, so I just copied what she said)

"Stop thinking you're bad. The more you hold onto this, the worst it would be. Allah doesn't give you the people that you want, but He gives you the people that you need; to help you, to hurt you, to love you, and they all together will help you to grow into a person that you're meant to be." 

Dan mesej tu saya forward balik dekat dia as a reply to her problem just now.
And the answer for her problem is within herself.


Sometimes, kita nampak problem orang lain lebih kecik berbanding kita.
Tapi sebenarnya hidup ni bukan perlu fikir masalah siapa lagi besar, sebab hakikat yang lebih penting yang perlu fikir adalah macam mana cara kita perlu hadapi masalah tu. 

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Dear readers, let's stay positive together!