Friday, March 27, 2020

The answer is within yourself

Hi everyone, it has been quite a long time since I posted my last entry here. Harap semuanya dalam keadaan yang baik lah ye. 

Minggu lepas, a friend of mine, perlukan someone to share about her problem. Hmm macam biasa, saya bukan orang yang pandai nak comforting others sebab I'm not a good listener, but I'm trying the best, because she's my friend. 

My first question to her, 

"What are the things that make you sad?"

During the heart-to-heart session, saya sedar saya macam tak membantu, so saya keep on listening apa yang dia nak share sampai dia puas. And you know what, lepas dia puas, dia pulak tanya, "Ada anything nak share? Aku dah rasa much better sekarang, so its your turn."

Padahal sebenarnya dia yang nak cerita, tapi sekarang saya pulak kena cerita hahaha. And when someone give me an opportunity untuk share, rupanya banyak benda yang tak terluah selama ni ops. Lagi banyak dari kawan saya pulak tu ya Allah hahaha. 

Lepastu dia pun cakap camni,
(We're on Whatsapp message during at that time, so I just copied what she said)

"Stop thinking you're bad. The more you hold onto this, the worst it would be. Allah doesn't give you the people that you want, but He gives you the people that you need; to help you, to hurt you, to love you, and they all together will help you to grow into a person that you're meant to be." 

Dan mesej tu saya forward balik dekat dia as a reply to her problem just now.
And the answer for her problem is within herself.


Sometimes, kita nampak problem orang lain lebih kecik berbanding kita.
Tapi sebenarnya hidup ni bukan perlu fikir masalah siapa lagi besar, sebab hakikat yang lebih penting yang perlu fikir adalah macam mana cara kita perlu hadapi masalah tu. 

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Dear readers, let's stay positive together!